Author Greg Ahlijian KUGN Interview

The Large Rock and The Little Yew

Imagine that a tiny seed from a yew tree becomes trapped within a cold, dark, and dingy narrow-walled split in a large rock. After several long, quiet months, the small seed opens, and a curious root begins to explore its inhospitable surroundings. But the seedling’s efforts to find sun, soil, and water—the keys to its survival—awaken the large rock. The large rock is furious and gives the little seedling a rude welcome into the world.

Published in 2010 to raise money to serve abused children, sales of The Large Rock and the Little Yew continue to generate tens of thousands of dollars to fund important programs and activities that help prepare these children for a safer and empowered future.

“Survive? Survive? Make something of yourself? How dare you have such foolish dreams! Don’t you know what awaits you?”

The little seedling is stunned. How will it survive? Can it withstand the heat of summer and the snows of winter? Will it ever grow to be the tree that nature intended it to be?

Thus unfolds the story of the seedling’s struggle against seemingly overwhelming odds. Children and adults alike will learn timeless life lessons from the little yew tree’s determined effort and spirit.


Discussion Guide:

This well-thought out guide is designed to:
 • help teachers, parents, and other adults gain a better understanding of how children interpret their
social and domestic environment.
• help children discover themselves, their abilities, and their talents.
• teach the value of acting considerately toward others and how that enriches our own lives.
• teach children new vocabulary.

Click here for The Little Yew Discussion Guide

Click here to watch a creative and fun video trailer about The Large Rock and the Little Yew

A whimsical book for children to find joy and imagination. 

An Elephant Would Be Wonderful


There are so many things an elephant would be wonderful at doing...and some things it would not! 

With colorful and enchanting illustrations, this book is a delightful and whimsical poem for young readers and adults to share.

Could it give you a ride? Would it be able to hide? Could it guard your house? Or iron a little blouse? Let's find out!

The above beautiful books are shipped directly to you from the author. All proceeds from the sale of these books from this website are donated to the Gregory M. Ahlijian Scholarship Fund. Click the "Get The Books" button below and they will be sent to you immediately.  For orders of more than 10 books, please contact us directly and we will arrange their delivery.

Education Tools - Books

And Now Something Totally New - Order the printed on demand education tools listed below directly from Amazon!
From their door to yours, tools that every child can use.

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New - Tools For Character Growth:

Shine in your Life's Journey


A straightforward, working guide, Shine in your Life's Journey is written to help students build and sustain a strong character.  

Concise, thought provoking, and enjoyable lessons, this guide encourages young people to discover their own innate strengths as well as improvise areas of lesser strengths that will help them achieve their hopes, dreams, and goals in their lives.

(read the back cover by clicking on the arrows)


Parent-Teacher-Mentor Edition


Special Parent-Teacher-Mentor edition adds helpful teaching suggestions to the character development lessons presented in the Young Person's Guild.

This little volume is a treasure trove in insight and useful guidance. Each lesson is outstanding.
— Randy Sprick, Ph.D. Education Director of Teaching Strategies, Inc.

Buy them on Amazon

Shine In Your Life's Journey
Student Guide - Click Here

Shine In Your Life's Journey
Teacher-Mentor-Parent Guide - Click Here

Inspiration In A Beautiful Poster


11 X 17 Poster
Inspirational and Elegantly Printed.

A wonderful gift for those we aspire to encourage their confidence and growth.

This beautiful poem has been reproduced into this poster from the Character Guide, “Shine In Your Life’s Journey” as a stand alone item suitable for every child’s wall.

You can purchase this encouraging poster in the “Buy Books” section by clicking the button below.